Newsy bukmacherskie

Zakłady “bardzo” specjalne.


Świat staje na głowie. Jedna z większych firm bukmacherskich w Kazachstanie proponuje swoim klientom zakłady dotyczące zamachów terrorystycznych oraz katastrof lotniczych.

Działający od 2003 roku kazachski bukmacher, którego nazwy nie mamy zamiaru wymieniać, by nie robić mu reklamy, naszym zdaniem posunął się o krok za daleko. Poza tradycyjnymi zakładami sportowymi oraz giełdą zakładów, posiada on bowiem dział “Zakłady specjalne”. Mamy tam chociażby kursy dotyczące ew. spotkania Putina z Erdoganem (TAK 2.55 - NIE 1.46), a także ew. dymisji rosyjskiego rządu przed 31.08. (TAK 25.00).

Od niedawna mamy jednak coś jeszcze. Otóż dostępne są zakłady, w których zadaniem graczy jest wytypowanie miejsca, gdzie do końca sierpnia dojdzie do zamachu terrorystycznego. I jakkolwiek koszmarnie to brzmi, kurs na zamach we Francji, bądź w USA wynosi 15.00, w Niemczech 20.00, natomiast w Rosji 25.00. Akt terroru w pozostałych krajach wyceniono na 10.00, zaś jego brak na 1.04.

Pracownicy firmy bukmacherskiej nie wyjaśniają pobudek, jakimi kierowali się zamieszczając tak kontrowersyjne zakłady w swojej ofercie. Robią to jednak przy okazji innych pozycji ze swojego działu “Zakładów specjalnych”. Dla przykładu zakład “Czy do 31.08. w Europie dojdzie do katastrofy lotniczej?” tłumaczą troską o bezpieczeństwo pasażerów. Ich zdaniem bowiem, wzmożona liczba zawartych zakładów na konkretny rynek świadczyć może o tym, że “coś jest na rzeczy” i służby powinny mieć się na baczności. Do nas takie tłumaczenia nie  trafiają. Naszym zdaniem, jest to zarabianie na ludzkim strachu i tragedii. Kto w ogóle i na jakiej podstawie ustalał kursy? Jakimi informacjami dysponują pracownicy bukmachera, by katastrofę lotniczą w Europie wycenić na 105.00, a chociażby w Afryce na 75.00?

Kolejna rzecz budząca kontrowersje to sposób rozstrzygania tych zakładów. Skąd wiadomo, który akt przemocy jest zamachem terrorystycznym, a który zwykłym atakiem szaleńca? Czy jest jakaś konkretna liczba ludzi, którzy muszą zginąć, by zakład rozliczony był jako wygrany? Próbowaliśmy się skontaktować w tej sprawie z supportem bukmachera, ale ten póki co milczy. Pocieszającym jest fakt, że ta historia bulwersuje nie tylko nas. Internauci w komentarzach mocno potępiają politykę firmy, sugerując nawet, że niebawem dostępne będą zakłady over / under, dotyczące liczby ofiar śmiertelnych zamachu, co patrząc na tę historię, nie wydaje się wcale czymś niemożliwym, natomiast z całą pewnością przerażającym.




Когда включаешь «Однажды в сказке 1 сезон», попадаешь в удивительный мир, где реальность сплетается с фантазией так тесно, что невозможно сразу понять, где заканчивается одно и начинается другое. Сюжет первой главы этой истории строится вокруг Эммы Свон, обычной на первый взгляд женщины с непростым прошлым


If you're like most IT companies, filling your sales pipeline with qualified leads can feel like an uphill battle. I know the pain of juggling countless cold calls, only to end up with dead-end conversations. But then I found B2B appointment setting services—and it completely changed my approach.

With these services, I don’t have to worry about chasing leads anymore. Experts in the field handle the outreach, research, and lead qualification, ensuring that only prospects with a genuine interest in my IT services get through to my sales team. The results? More meetings, higher-quality prospects, and—ultimately—more closed deals.

If you're struggling with your IT business's lead generation efforts, it's time to consider B2B appointment setting services. They save you time, boost your efficiency, and, most importantly, drive revenue.


Когда включаешь «Однажды в сказке 1 сезон», попадаешь в удивительный мир, где реальность сплетается с фантазией так тесно, что невозможно сразу понять, где заканчивается одно и начинается другое. Сюжет первой главы этой истории строится вокруг Эммы Свон, обычной на первый взгляд женщины с непростым прошлым


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If you're like most IT companies, filling your sales pipeline with qualified leads can feel like an uphill battle. I know the pain of juggling countless cold calls, only to end up with dead-end conversations. But then I found B2B appointment setting services—and it completely changed my approach.

With these services, I don’t have to worry about chasing leads anymore. Experts in the field handle the outreach, research, and lead qualification, ensuring that only prospects with a genuine interest in my IT services get through to my sales team. The results? More meetings, higher-quality prospects, and—ultimately—more closed deals.

If you're struggling with your IT business's lead generation efforts, it's time to consider B2B appointment setting services. They save you time, boost your efficiency, and, most importantly, drive revenue.


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When I first started out, growing my IT company felt like an overwhelming challenge. But then I realized I needed to focus on the one thing that could move my business forward—growing relationships with the right clients. That’s when I discovered B2B appointment setting services.

These services specialize in connecting IT companies like mine with top-tier prospects who are actively looking for solutions we offer. The beauty of it is that I don’t waste time on tire kickers or cold leads. The professional team behind these services does the heavy lifting, and I’m only meeting with qualified decision-makers.

I’ve found that with the right B2B appointment setting service, IT companies can dramatically increase their client base and generate more revenue. This isn’t just about making appointments—it’s about making the right appointments. If you're ready to grow your IT business, I highly recommend considering B2B appointment setting services.


If you're like most IT companies, filling your sales pipeline with qualified leads can feel like an uphill battle. I know the pain of juggling countless cold calls, only to end up with dead-end conversations. But then I found B2B appointment setting services—and it completely changed my approach.

With these services, I don’t have to worry about chasing leads anymore. Experts in the field handle the outreach, research, and lead qualification, ensuring that only prospects with a genuine interest in my IT services get through to my sales team. The results? More meetings, higher-quality prospects, and—ultimately—more closed deals.

If you're struggling with your IT business's lead generation efforts, it's time to consider B2B appointment setting services. They save you time, boost your efficiency, and, most importantly, drive revenue.


When I first started out, growing my IT company felt like an overwhelming challenge. But then I realized I needed to focus on the one thing that could move my business forward—growing relationships with the right clients. That’s when I discovered B2B appointment setting services.

These services specialize in connecting IT companies like mine with top-tier prospects who are actively looking for solutions we offer. The beauty of it is that I don’t waste time on tire kickers or cold leads. The professional team behind these services does the heavy lifting, and I’m only meeting with qualified decision-makers.

I’ve found that with the right B2B appointment setting service, IT companies can dramatically increase their client base and generate more revenue. This isn’t just about making appointments—it’s about making the right appointments. If you're ready to grow your IT business, I highly recommend considering B2B appointment setting services.


When I first started out, growing my IT company felt like an overwhelming challenge. But then I realized I needed to focus on the one thing that could move my business forward—growing relationships with the right clients. That’s when I discovered B2B appointment setting services.

These services specialize in connecting IT companies like mine with top-tier prospects who are actively looking for solutions we offer. The beauty of it is that I don’t waste time on tire kickers or cold leads. The professional team behind these services does the heavy lifting, and I’m only meeting with qualified decision-makers.

I’ve found that with the right B2B appointment setting service, IT companies can dramatically increase their client base and generate more revenue. This isn’t just about making appointments—it’s about making the right appointments. If you're ready to grow your IT business, I highly recommend considering B2B appointment setting services.


If you're like most IT companies, filling your sales pipeline with qualified leads can feel like an uphill battle. I know the pain of juggling countless cold calls, only to end up with dead-end conversations. But then I found B2B appointment setting services—and it completely changed my approach.

With these services, I don’t have to worry about chasing leads anymore. Experts in the field handle the outreach, research, and lead qualification, ensuring that only prospects with a genuine interest in my IT services get through to my sales team. The results? More meetings, higher-quality prospects, and—ultimately—more closed deals.

If you're struggling with your IT business's lead generation efforts, it's time to consider B2B appointment setting services. They save you time, boost your efficiency, and, most importantly, drive revenue.


Функциональное тестирование программного обеспечения: как мобильные приложения, сайты и веб-сервисы проверяют на соответствие требованиям бизнеса и пользователей? Виды, задачи, этапы и примеры сценариев тестов, которые позволяют исправить ошибки разработчиков:…


When I first started out, growing my IT company felt like an overwhelming challenge. But then I realized I needed to focus on the one thing that could move my business forward—growing relationships with the right clients. That’s when I discovered B2B appointment setting services.

These services specialize in connecting IT companies like mine with top-tier prospects who are actively looking for solutions we offer. The beauty of it is that I don’t waste time on tire kickers or cold leads. The professional team behind these services does the heavy lifting, and I’m only meeting with qualified decision-makers.

I’ve found that with the right B2B appointment setting service, IT companies can dramatically increase their client base and generate more revenue. This isn’t just about making appointments—it’s about making the right appointments. If you're ready to grow your IT business, I highly recommend considering B2B appointment setting services.


Функциональное тестирование программного обеспечения: как мобильные приложения, сайты и веб-сервисы проверяют на соответствие требованиям бизнеса и пользователей? Виды, задачи, этапы и примеры сценариев тестов, которые позволяют исправить ошибки разработчиков:…


If you're like most IT companies, filling your sales pipeline with qualified leads can feel like an uphill battle. I know the pain of juggling countless cold calls, only to end up with dead-end conversations. But then I found B2B appointment setting services—and it completely changed my approach.

With these services, I don’t have to worry about chasing leads anymore. Experts in the field handle the outreach, research, and lead qualification, ensuring that only prospects with a genuine interest in my IT services get through to my sales team. The results? More meetings, higher-quality prospects, and—ultimately—more closed deals.

If you're struggling with your IT business's lead generation efforts, it's time to consider B2B appointment setting services. They save you time, boost your efficiency, and, most importantly, drive revenue.


Функциональное тестирование программного обеспечения: как мобильные приложения, сайты и веб-сервисы проверяют на соответствие требованиям бизнеса и пользователей? Виды, задачи, этапы и примеры сценариев тестов, которые позволяют исправить ошибки разработчиков:…


When I first started out, growing my IT company felt like an overwhelming challenge. But then I realized I needed to focus on the one thing that could move my business forward—growing relationships with the right clients. That’s when I discovered B2B appointment setting services.

These services specialize in connecting IT companies like mine with top-tier prospects who are actively looking for solutions we offer. The beauty of it is that I don’t waste time on tire kickers or cold leads. The professional team behind these services does the heavy lifting, and I’m only meeting with qualified decision-makers.

I’ve found that with the right B2B appointment setting service, IT companies can dramatically increase their client base and generate more revenue. This isn’t just about making appointments—it’s about making the right appointments. If you're ready to grow your IT business, I highly recommend considering B2B appointment setting services.


Функциональное тестирование программного обеспечения: как мобильные приложения, сайты и веб-сервисы проверяют на соответствие требованиям бизнеса и пользователей? Виды, задачи, этапы и примеры сценариев тестов, которые позволяют исправить ошибки разработчиков:…


If you're like most IT companies, filling your sales pipeline with qualified leads can feel like an uphill battle. I know the pain of juggling countless cold calls, only to end up with dead-end conversations. But then I found B2B appointment setting services—and it completely changed my approach.

With these services, I don’t have to worry about chasing leads anymore. Experts in the field handle the outreach, research, and lead qualification, ensuring that only prospects with a genuine interest in my IT services get through to my sales team. The results? More meetings, higher-quality prospects, and—ultimately—more closed deals.

If you're struggling with your IT business's lead generation efforts, it's time to consider B2B appointment setting services. They save you time, boost your efficiency, and, most importantly, drive revenue.


Функциональное тестирование программного обеспечения: как мобильные приложения, сайты и веб-сервисы проверяют на соответствие требованиям бизнеса и пользователей? Виды, задачи, этапы и примеры сценариев тестов, которые позволяют исправить ошибки разработчиков:…


Функциональное тестирование программного обеспечения: как мобильные приложения, сайты и веб-сервисы проверяют на соответствие требованиям бизнеса и пользователей? Виды, задачи, этапы и примеры сценариев тестов, которые позволяют исправить ошибки разработчиков:…


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Открытки в интернете позволяют людям отправлять поздравления и приветы в любое время, независимо от расстояния и времени суток Новые открытки

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Bonusy Bukmacherskie

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