Newsy bukmacherskie

Zakłady “bardzo” specjalne.


Świat staje na głowie. Jedna z większych firm bukmacherskich w Kazachstanie proponuje swoim klientom zakłady dotyczące zamachów terrorystycznych oraz katastrof lotniczych.

Działający od 2003 roku kazachski bukmacher, którego nazwy nie mamy zamiaru wymieniać, by nie robić mu reklamy, naszym zdaniem posunął się o krok za daleko. Poza tradycyjnymi zakładami sportowymi oraz giełdą zakładów, posiada on bowiem dział “Zakłady specjalne”. Mamy tam chociażby kursy dotyczące ew. spotkania Putina z Erdoganem (TAK 2.55 - NIE 1.46), a także ew. dymisji rosyjskiego rządu przed 31.08. (TAK 25.00).

Od niedawna mamy jednak coś jeszcze. Otóż dostępne są zakłady, w których zadaniem graczy jest wytypowanie miejsca, gdzie do końca sierpnia dojdzie do zamachu terrorystycznego. I jakkolwiek koszmarnie to brzmi, kurs na zamach we Francji, bądź w USA wynosi 15.00, w Niemczech 20.00, natomiast w Rosji 25.00. Akt terroru w pozostałych krajach wyceniono na 10.00, zaś jego brak na 1.04.

Pracownicy firmy bukmacherskiej nie wyjaśniają pobudek, jakimi kierowali się zamieszczając tak kontrowersyjne zakłady w swojej ofercie. Robią to jednak przy okazji innych pozycji ze swojego działu “Zakładów specjalnych”. Dla przykładu zakład “Czy do 31.08. w Europie dojdzie do katastrofy lotniczej?” tłumaczą troską o bezpieczeństwo pasażerów. Ich zdaniem bowiem, wzmożona liczba zawartych zakładów na konkretny rynek świadczyć może o tym, że “coś jest na rzeczy” i służby powinny mieć się na baczności. Do nas takie tłumaczenia nie  trafiają. Naszym zdaniem, jest to zarabianie na ludzkim strachu i tragedii. Kto w ogóle i na jakiej podstawie ustalał kursy? Jakimi informacjami dysponują pracownicy bukmachera, by katastrofę lotniczą w Europie wycenić na 105.00, a chociażby w Afryce na 75.00?

Kolejna rzecz budząca kontrowersje to sposób rozstrzygania tych zakładów. Skąd wiadomo, który akt przemocy jest zamachem terrorystycznym, a który zwykłym atakiem szaleńca? Czy jest jakaś konkretna liczba ludzi, którzy muszą zginąć, by zakład rozliczony był jako wygrany? Próbowaliśmy się skontaktować w tej sprawie z supportem bukmachera, ale ten póki co milczy. Pocieszającym jest fakt, że ta historia bulwersuje nie tylko nas. Internauci w komentarzach mocno potępiają politykę firmy, sugerując nawet, że niebawem dostępne będą zakłady over / under, dotyczące liczby ofiar śmiertelnych zamachu, co patrząc na tę historię, nie wydaje się wcale czymś niemożliwym, natomiast z całą pewnością przerażającym.




Hey all!

I’ve been cooking a lot with Ceylon cinnamon lately, and it’s been such a great addition to my recipes.

It’s much lighter and more aromatic than Cassia cinnamon, and I find it works really well in both sweet and savory dishes.

I made a Ceylon cinnamon-spiced roasted sweet potato dish for dinner, and the cinnamon’s delicate sweetness paired perfectly with the savory flavors.

I’ve also been adding it to smoothies and baked goods like Ceylon cinnamon muffins—it gives them a lovely warm flavor without overpowering the other ingredients.

If you’re looking for something a little more refined than regular cinnamon, I highly recommend trying Ceylon cinnamon in your recipes.

Anyone else here experimenting with it?

Would love to hear how you’re using it!


Hey all!

I’ve been cooking a lot with Ceylon cinnamon lately, and it’s been such a great addition to my recipes.

It’s much lighter and more aromatic than Cassia cinnamon, and I find it works really well in both sweet and savory dishes.

I made a Ceylon cinnamon-spiced roasted sweet potato dish for dinner, and the cinnamon’s delicate sweetness paired perfectly with the savory flavors.

I’ve also been adding it to smoothies and baked goods like Ceylon cinnamon muffins—it gives them a lovely warm flavor without overpowering the other ingredients.

If you’re looking for something a little more refined than regular cinnamon, I highly recommend trying Ceylon cinnamon in your recipes.

Anyone else here experimenting with it?

Would love to hear how you’re using it!


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Hey all!

I’ve been cooking a lot with Ceylon cinnamon lately, and it’s been such a great addition to my recipes.

It’s much lighter and more aromatic than Cassia cinnamon, and I find it works really well in both sweet and savory dishes.

I made a Ceylon cinnamon-spiced roasted sweet potato dish for dinner, and the cinnamon’s delicate sweetness paired perfectly with the savory flavors.

I’ve also been adding it to smoothies and baked goods like Ceylon cinnamon muffins—it gives them a lovely warm flavor without overpowering the other ingredients.

If you’re looking for something a little more refined than regular cinnamon, I highly recommend trying Ceylon cinnamon in your recipes.

Anyone else here experimenting with it?

Would love to hear how you’re using it!


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Hey all!

I’ve been cooking a lot with Ceylon cinnamon lately, and it’s been such a great addition to my recipes.

It’s much lighter and more aromatic than Cassia cinnamon, and I find it works really well in both sweet and savory dishes.

I made a Ceylon cinnamon-spiced roasted sweet potato dish for dinner, and the cinnamon’s delicate sweetness paired perfectly with the savory flavors.

I’ve also been adding it to smoothies and baked goods like Ceylon cinnamon muffins—it gives them a lovely warm flavor without overpowering the other ingredients.

If you’re looking for something a little more refined than regular cinnamon, I highly recommend trying Ceylon cinnamon in your recipes.

Anyone else here experimenting with it?

Would love to hear how you’re using it!


Hey all!

I’ve been cooking a lot with Ceylon cinnamon lately, and it’s been such a great addition to my recipes.

It’s much lighter and more aromatic than Cassia cinnamon, and I find it works really well in both sweet and savory dishes.

I made a Ceylon cinnamon-spiced roasted sweet potato dish for dinner, and the cinnamon’s delicate sweetness paired perfectly with the savory flavors.

I’ve also been adding it to smoothies and baked goods like Ceylon cinnamon muffins—it gives them a lovely warm flavor without overpowering the other ingredients.

If you’re looking for something a little more refined than regular cinnamon, I highly recommend trying Ceylon cinnamon in your recipes.

Anyone else here experimenting with it?

Would love to hear how you’re using it!


Hey all!

I’ve been cooking a lot with Ceylon cinnamon lately, and it’s been such a great addition to my recipes.

It’s much lighter and more aromatic than Cassia cinnamon, and I find it works really well in both sweet and savory dishes.

I made a Ceylon cinnamon-spiced roasted sweet potato dish for dinner, and the cinnamon’s delicate sweetness paired perfectly with the savory flavors.

I’ve also been adding it to smoothies and baked goods like Ceylon cinnamon muffins—it gives them a lovely warm flavor without overpowering the other ingredients.

If you’re looking for something a little more refined than regular cinnamon, I highly recommend trying Ceylon cinnamon in your recipes.

Anyone else here experimenting with it?

Would love to hear how you’re using it!


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Представьте себе: Вы гуляете по улицам Москвы, а вокруг Вас оживают легендарные злодеи и аферисты! Здесь исторические личности сплетаются с киношными персонажами, а за каждым поворотом скрывается тайна


Hey all!

I’ve been cooking a lot with Ceylon cinnamon lately, and it’s been such a great addition to my recipes.

It’s much lighter and more aromatic than Cassia cinnamon, and I find it works really well in both sweet and savory dishes.

I made a Ceylon cinnamon-spiced roasted sweet potato dish for dinner, and the cinnamon’s delicate sweetness paired perfectly with the savory flavors.

I’ve also been adding it to smoothies and baked goods like Ceylon cinnamon muffins—it gives them a lovely warm flavor without overpowering the other ingredients.

If you’re looking for something a little more refined than regular cinnamon, I highly recommend trying Ceylon cinnamon in your recipes.

Anyone else here experimenting with it?

Would love to hear how you’re using it!


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Hey all!

I’ve been cooking a lot with Ceylon cinnamon lately, and it’s been such a great addition to my recipes.

It’s much lighter and more aromatic than Cassia cinnamon, and I find it works really well in both sweet and savory dishes.

I made a Ceylon cinnamon-spiced roasted sweet potato dish for dinner, and the cinnamon’s delicate sweetness paired perfectly with the savory flavors.

I’ve also been adding it to smoothies and baked goods like Ceylon cinnamon muffins—it gives them a lovely warm flavor without overpowering the other ingredients.

If you’re looking for something a little more refined than regular cinnamon, I highly recommend trying Ceylon cinnamon in your recipes.

Anyone else here experimenting with it?

Would love to hear how you’re using it!


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Представьте себе: Вы гуляете по улицам Москвы, а вокруг Вас оживают легендарные злодеи и аферисты! Здесь исторические личности сплетаются с киношными персонажами, а за каждым поворотом скрывается тайна


Hey all!

I’ve been cooking a lot with Ceylon cinnamon lately, and it’s been such a great addition to my recipes.

It’s much lighter and more aromatic than Cassia cinnamon, and I find it works really well in both sweet and savory dishes.

I made a Ceylon cinnamon-spiced roasted sweet potato dish for dinner, and the cinnamon’s delicate sweetness paired perfectly with the savory flavors.

I’ve also been adding it to smoothies and baked goods like Ceylon cinnamon muffins—it gives them a lovely warm flavor without overpowering the other ingredients.

If you’re looking for something a little more refined than regular cinnamon, I highly recommend trying Ceylon cinnamon in your recipes.

Anyone else here experimenting with it?

Would love to hear how you’re using it!


Hey all!

I’ve been cooking a lot with Ceylon cinnamon lately, and it’s been such a great addition to my recipes.

It’s much lighter and more aromatic than Cassia cinnamon, and I find it works really well in both sweet and savory dishes.

I made a Ceylon cinnamon-spiced roasted sweet potato dish for dinner, and the cinnamon’s delicate sweetness paired perfectly with the savory flavors.

I’ve also been adding it to smoothies and baked goods like Ceylon cinnamon muffins—it gives them a lovely warm flavor without overpowering the other ingredients.

If you’re looking for something a little more refined than regular cinnamon, I highly recommend trying Ceylon cinnamon in your recipes.

Anyone else here experimenting with it?

Would love to hear how you’re using it!


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Hey all!

I’ve been cooking a lot with Ceylon cinnamon lately, and it’s been such a great addition to my recipes.

It’s much lighter and more aromatic than Cassia cinnamon, and I find it works really well in both sweet and savory dishes.

I made a Ceylon cinnamon-spiced roasted sweet potato dish for dinner, and the cinnamon’s delicate sweetness paired perfectly with the savory flavors.

I’ve also been adding it to smoothies and baked goods like Ceylon cinnamon muffins—it gives them a lovely warm flavor without overpowering the other ingredients.

If you’re looking for something a little more refined than regular cinnamon, I highly recommend trying Ceylon cinnamon in your recipes.

Anyone else here experimenting with it?

Would love to hear how you’re using it!


Hey all!

I’ve been cooking a lot with Ceylon cinnamon lately, and it’s been such a great addition to my recipes.

It’s much lighter and more aromatic than Cassia cinnamon, and I find it works really well in both sweet and savory dishes.

I made a Ceylon cinnamon-spiced roasted sweet potato dish for dinner, and the cinnamon’s delicate sweetness paired perfectly with the savory flavors.

I’ve also been adding it to smoothies and baked goods like Ceylon cinnamon muffins—it gives them a lovely warm flavor without overpowering the other ingredients.

If you’re looking for something a little more refined than regular cinnamon, I highly recommend trying Ceylon cinnamon in your recipes.

Anyone else here experimenting with it?

Would love to hear how you’re using it!


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Hey all!

I’ve been cooking a lot with Ceylon cinnamon lately, and it’s been such a great addition to my recipes.

It’s much lighter and more aromatic than Cassia cinnamon, and I find it works really well in both sweet and savory dishes.

I made a Ceylon cinnamon-spiced roasted sweet potato dish for dinner, and the cinnamon’s delicate sweetness paired perfectly with the savory flavors.

I’ve also been adding it to smoothies and baked goods like Ceylon cinnamon muffins—it gives them a lovely warm flavor without overpowering the other ingredients.

If you’re looking for something a little more refined than regular cinnamon, I highly recommend trying Ceylon cinnamon in your recipes.

Anyone else here experimenting with it?

Would love to hear how you’re using it!


Hey all!

I’ve been cooking a lot with Ceylon cinnamon lately, and it’s been such a great addition to my recipes.

It’s much lighter and more aromatic than Cassia cinnamon, and I find it works really well in both sweet and savory dishes.

I made a Ceylon cinnamon-spiced roasted sweet potato dish for dinner, and the cinnamon’s delicate sweetness paired perfectly with the savory flavors.

I’ve also been adding it to smoothies and baked goods like Ceylon cinnamon muffins—it gives them a lovely warm flavor without overpowering the other ingredients.

If you’re looking for something a little more refined than regular cinnamon, I highly recommend trying Ceylon cinnamon in your recipes.

Anyone else here experimenting with it?

Would love to hear how you’re using it!


Hey all!

I’ve been cooking a lot with Ceylon cinnamon lately, and it’s been such a great addition to my recipes.

It’s much lighter and more aromatic than Cassia cinnamon, and I find it works really well in both sweet and savory dishes.

I made a Ceylon cinnamon-spiced roasted sweet potato dish for dinner, and the cinnamon’s delicate sweetness paired perfectly with the savory flavors.

I’ve also been adding it to smoothies and baked goods like Ceylon cinnamon muffins—it gives them a lovely warm flavor without overpowering the other ingredients.

If you’re looking for something a little more refined than regular cinnamon, I highly recommend trying Ceylon cinnamon in your recipes.

Anyone else here experimenting with it?

Would love to hear how you’re using it!


Hey all!

I’ve been cooking a lot with Ceylon cinnamon lately, and it’s been such a great addition to my recipes.

It’s much lighter and more aromatic than Cassia cinnamon, and I find it works really well in both sweet and savory dishes.

I made a Ceylon cinnamon-spiced roasted sweet potato dish for dinner, and the cinnamon’s delicate sweetness paired perfectly with the savory flavors.

I’ve also been adding it to smoothies and baked goods like Ceylon cinnamon muffins—it gives them a lovely warm flavor without overpowering the other ingredients.

If you’re looking for something a little more refined than regular cinnamon, I highly recommend trying Ceylon cinnamon in your recipes.

Anyone else here experimenting with it?

Would love to hear how you’re using it!


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Hey all!

I’ve been cooking a lot with Ceylon cinnamon lately, and it’s been such a great addition to my recipes.

It’s much lighter and more aromatic than Cassia cinnamon, and I find it works really well in both sweet and savory dishes.

I made a Ceylon cinnamon-spiced roasted sweet potato dish for dinner, and the cinnamon’s delicate sweetness paired perfectly with the savory flavors.

I’ve also been adding it to smoothies and baked goods like Ceylon cinnamon muffins—it gives them a lovely warm flavor without overpowering the other ingredients.

If you’re looking for something a little more refined than regular cinnamon, I highly recommend trying Ceylon cinnamon in your recipes.

Anyone else here experimenting with it?

Would love to hear how you’re using it!


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Hey all!

I’ve been cooking a lot with Ceylon cinnamon lately, and it’s been such a great addition to my recipes.

It’s much lighter and more aromatic than Cassia cinnamon, and I find it works really well in both sweet and savory dishes.

I made a Ceylon cinnamon-spiced roasted sweet potato dish for dinner, and the cinnamon’s delicate sweetness paired perfectly with the savory flavors.

I’ve also been adding it to smoothies and baked goods like Ceylon cinnamon muffins—it gives them a lovely warm flavor without overpowering the other ingredients.

If you’re looking for something a little more refined than regular cinnamon, I highly recommend trying Ceylon cinnamon in your recipes.

Anyone else here experimenting with it?

Would love to hear how you’re using it!


VPS на Windows — это виртуальный выделенный сервер, развёрнутый в облачном кластере, с предустановленной лицензионной ОС Windows Server. Виртуализация KVM server vps


Hey all!

I’ve been cooking a lot with Ceylon cinnamon lately, and it’s been such a great addition to my recipes.

It’s much lighter and more aromatic than Cassia cinnamon, and I find it works really well in both sweet and savory dishes.

I made a Ceylon cinnamon-spiced roasted sweet potato dish for dinner, and the cinnamon’s delicate sweetness paired perfectly with the savory flavors.

I’ve also been adding it to smoothies and baked goods like Ceylon cinnamon muffins—it gives them a lovely warm flavor without overpowering the other ingredients.

If you’re looking for something a little more refined than regular cinnamon, I highly recommend trying Ceylon cinnamon in your recipes.

Anyone else here experimenting with it?

Would love to hear how you’re using it!


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Hey all!

I’ve been cooking a lot with Ceylon cinnamon lately, and it’s been such a great addition to my recipes.

It’s much lighter and more aromatic than Cassia cinnamon, and I find it works really well in both sweet and savory dishes.

I made a Ceylon cinnamon-spiced roasted sweet potato dish for dinner, and the cinnamon’s delicate sweetness paired perfectly with the savory flavors.

I’ve also been adding it to smoothies and baked goods like Ceylon cinnamon muffins—it gives them a lovely warm flavor without overpowering the other ingredients.

If you’re looking for something a little more refined than regular cinnamon, I highly recommend trying Ceylon cinnamon in your recipes.

Anyone else here experimenting with it?

Would love to hear how you’re using it!


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Hey all!

I’ve been cooking a lot with Ceylon cinnamon lately, and it’s been such a great addition to my recipes.

It’s much lighter and more aromatic than Cassia cinnamon, and I find it works really well in both sweet and savory dishes.

I made a Ceylon cinnamon-spiced roasted sweet potato dish for dinner, and the cinnamon’s delicate sweetness paired perfectly with the savory flavors.

I’ve also been adding it to smoothies and baked goods like Ceylon cinnamon muffins—it gives them a lovely warm flavor without overpowering the other ingredients.

If you’re looking for something a little more refined than regular cinnamon, I highly recommend trying Ceylon cinnamon in your recipes.

Anyone else here experimenting with it?

Would love to hear how you’re using it!


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Hey all!

I’ve been cooking a lot with Ceylon cinnamon lately, and it’s been such a great addition to my recipes.

It’s much lighter and more aromatic than Cassia cinnamon, and I find it works really well in both sweet and savory dishes.

I made a Ceylon cinnamon-spiced roasted sweet potato dish for dinner, and the cinnamon’s delicate sweetness paired perfectly with the savory flavors.

I’ve also been adding it to smoothies and baked goods like Ceylon cinnamon muffins—it gives them a lovely warm flavor without overpowering the other ingredients.

If you’re looking for something a little more refined than regular cinnamon, I highly recommend trying Ceylon cinnamon in your recipes.

Anyone else here experimenting with it?

Would love to hear how you’re using it!


Hey all!

I’ve been cooking a lot with Ceylon cinnamon lately, and it’s been such a great addition to my recipes.

It’s much lighter and more aromatic than Cassia cinnamon, and I find it works really well in both sweet and savory dishes.

I made a Ceylon cinnamon-spiced roasted sweet potato dish for dinner, and the cinnamon’s delicate sweetness paired perfectly with the savory flavors.

I’ve also been adding it to smoothies and baked goods like Ceylon cinnamon muffins—it gives them a lovely warm flavor without overpowering the other ingredients.

If you’re looking for something a little more refined than regular cinnamon, I highly recommend trying Ceylon cinnamon in your recipes.

Anyone else here experimenting with it?

Would love to hear how you’re using it!


Разнообразие предложений на рынке позволяет легко подобрать удобные варианты для хранения личных вещей. Предметы могут быть адаптированы под любые размеры и потребности, что делает процесс организации не только полезным, но и приятным бюджетные гардеробные системы


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Hey all!

I’ve been cooking a lot with Ceylon cinnamon lately, and it’s been such a great addition to my recipes.

It’s much lighter and more aromatic than Cassia cinnamon, and I find it works really well in both sweet and savory dishes.

I made a Ceylon cinnamon-spiced roasted sweet potato dish for dinner, and the cinnamon’s delicate sweetness paired perfectly with the savory flavors.

I’ve also been adding it to smoothies and baked goods like Ceylon cinnamon muffins—it gives them a lovely warm flavor without overpowering the other ingredients.

If you’re looking for something a little more refined than regular cinnamon, I highly recommend trying Ceylon cinnamon in your recipes.

Anyone else here experimenting with it?

Would love to hear how you’re using it!


Hey all!

I’ve been cooking a lot with Ceylon cinnamon lately, and it’s been such a great addition to my recipes.

It’s much lighter and more aromatic than Cassia cinnamon, and I find it works really well in both sweet and savory dishes.

I made a Ceylon cinnamon-spiced roasted sweet potato dish for dinner, and the cinnamon’s delicate sweetness paired perfectly with the savory flavors.

I’ve also been adding it to smoothies and baked goods like Ceylon cinnamon muffins—it gives them a lovely warm flavor without overpowering the other ingredients.

If you’re looking for something a little more refined than regular cinnamon, I highly recommend trying Ceylon cinnamon in your recipes.

Anyone else here experimenting with it?

Would love to hear how you’re using it!

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